Child pages
  • Users and groups

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Each user's primary group must exist before the user is created unless --user-group is specified on the useradd command.

User creation

This varies, depending on the type of user.  Maybe the user will be a full Linux user; maybe the user is only required for use with samba.

For a full Linux user:  TODO: complete and test this description

useradd --comment 'User Name' --create-home --gid <primary group name or number> --groups <comma separated list of secondary groups> <user name>

For a user who will only log on to samba:  TODO: complete and test this description

useradd --comment 'User Name' --no-create-home --user-group --groups <comma separated list of secondary groups> <user name>

User disabling and removal



Find any other files and directories owned by the user (the command will also search network mounted file systems) and remove or change ownership as appropriate:

find / -user $u

In case the user has a dedicated group with the same name:

find / -group $u

De-configure the user

Remove references to the user from miscellaneous configurations: /etc/samba/smb.conf(.source),
