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Install and configure LTSP

if not done before configure the sources.list file to use the cache of the server:

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sudo sed -i 's#http://#'




sudo sed -i '


s#http:/#' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list


 Install ltsp-server-standalone:

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sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone


Edit the installation option of ltsp-build-client:

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# The chroot architecture. 
# ubuntu-desktop and edubuntu-desktop are tested. 
# If you test with [k|x]ubuntu-desktop, edit this page and mention if it worked OK. 
# kubuntu lucid (10.10) working okay. 
# Space separated list of programs to install. 
# The java plugin installation contained in ubuntu-restricted-extras 
# needs some special care, so let's use it as an example. 
# This is needed to answer "yes" to the Java EULA. 
# We'll create that file in the next step. 
# This uses the server apt cache to speed up downloading. 
# This locks the servers dpkg, so you can't use apt on 
# the server while building the chroot. 



Create and edit the following file for the unattented Java and msttcorefonts installation:

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# Do you agree with the DLJ license terms?
sun-java6-bin shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true
sun-java6-jre shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true
# In order to install this package, you must accept the license terms, the
# "TrueType core fonts for the Web EULA ". Not accepting will cancel the
# installation. Do you accept the EULA license terms?
ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula boolean true

sudo ltsp-build-client --mirror LTSP is install on an Oneiric system (otherwise go to the next step):

The fat client plugin blacklists some packages that don't make sense to have in a fat client chroot.

Unfortunately in Oneiric xdiagnose depends on one of those packages, apport, so the fat client plugin needs to be manually edited for ltsp-build-client to complete successfully.  

Open the following file and remove the word "apport" from line 43:

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 Build the client (even if using the cache of the server some of the files will be downloaded on the internet, if a solution is found please update (smile) )

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sudo ltsp-build-client --mirror

You can use the fat chroot also to run thin clients, not only fat ones. This way you can have a mix of powerful and not powerful clients, that they will become "fat" or "thin" based upon their RAM (consider fat chroot a "superset" of a thin one, so thin boot uses only a small but common part of it).  The parameter that affects the RAM threshold is:

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that defaults to 300 (MB).  So if you want your client boot as FAT ones only if they have more than 800MB edit lts.conf and put:

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Another interesting feature is have a server's directory available to all the fat clients.  For instance, to have the fat clients mount as their own /srv the /srv of the server add this parameter:

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