
Components involved


Replication of production setup

packages: shorewall

New stuff


packages: freeradius

Modified /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/eap:

commented the following:

#       md5 {
#       }
#       leap {
#       }
#       gtc {
#               #  The default challenge, which many clients
#               #  ignore..
#               #challenge = "Password: "
#               #  The plain-text response which comes back
#               #  is put into a User-Password attribute,
#               #  and passed to another module for
#       	#  authentication.  This allows the EAP-GTC
#               #  response to be checked against plain-text,
#               #  or crypt'd passwords.
#               #
#               #  If you say "Local" instead of "PAP", then
#       	#  the module will look for a User-Password
#               #  configured for the request, and do the
#               #  authentication itself.
#               #
#               auth_type = PAP
#       }
#       tls {
#               # Point to the common TLS configuration
#               tls = tls-common
#       	#
#               # As part of checking a client certificate, the EAP-TLS
#               # sets some attributes such as TLS-Client-Cert-CN. This
#               # virtual server has access to these attributes, and can
#               # be used to accept or reject the request.
#       	#
#       #       virtual_server = check-eap-tls
#       }

modified the 'default_eap_type' directive under section 'eap' to be:

default_eap_type = peap

and the 'default_eap_type' directive under section 'ttls' to be:

default_eap_type = mschapv2




Python module / script

cd /etc/freeradius/3.0/
ln -s mods-available/python mods-enabled/

Put the following in it:

# Make sure the PYTHONPATH environmental variable contains the
# directory(s) for the modules listed below.
# Uncomment any func_* which are included in your module. If
# rlm_python is called for a section which does not have
# a function defined, it will return NOOP.
python {
	module = script_launcher # @#$dy

	python_path = ${modconfdir}/${.:name}:/usr/lib/python2.7 # @#$dy
	mod_post_auth = ${.module} # @#$dy
	func_post_auth = post_auth # @#$dy

Modify /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel:

# Add this line just after 'sql' in the 'post-auth' section

Modify /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/eap, modified the 'copy_request_to_tunnel' directive under both sections 'peap' and 'ttls' to be:

copy_request_to_tunnel = yes


Place the script at /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/python/



packages: sudo

shwl_add / shwl_del scripts

 packages: arp-scan

apt-get install arp-scan
# Install the scripts in /usr/local/sbin/, and configure settings in each of them
chown root:freerad /usr/local/sbin/shwl_*
chmod 750 /usr/local/sbin/shwl_*

Add the following line to freerad's crontab

*/1 * * * * /usr/local/sbin/ # @#$dy # @@@ figure out optimal interval

MySQL script

Pre-requisites from above steps: sudo, shwl_add / shwl_del scripts MySQL config, FreeRADIUS MySQL config

apt-get install libpam-script sshpass
mkdir /usr/share/libpam-script/pam-script.d/pam_to_mysql_update
cd /usr/share/libpam-script/pam-script.d/pam_to_mysql_update
# Put the script in here, and configure MySQL settings inside
ln -s pam_script_auth
ln -s pam_script_passwd

Add the following line at the end of /etc/pam.d/common-auth or as may be appropriate to the PAM configuration of the system:

auth	required               onerr=fail dir=/usr/share/libpam-script/pam-script.d/pam_to_mysql_update/

Add the following line at the end of /etc/pam.d/common-password or as may be appropriate to the PAM configuration of the system:


password	required               onerr=fail dir=/usr/share/libpam-script/pam-script.d/pam_to_mysql_update/