Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

You might want to take the time and go once more through the lesson to recall what you learned.

You can copy and paste the questions into an email and answer them. In case you don't know the answer you could try to paste the question into or the wiki

  1. What is the advantage of the Integrated Web Search bar in Firefox?
  2. What is a key word in the search engine context?
  3. Why will the Internet be important in the near future?
  4. What is an URL?
  5. Create a folder with the name Wiki on your Bookmarks Toolbar.
    Then bookmark the following links:
  6. Use the Google Integrated Web Search bar and find out
    • what is the local time in Germany ?
    • how many Indian Rupees are 254 Euros ?
    • How much is (45 + 78) / 4 ?
    • 3.2 meters are how many inches?
  7. Name your 3 mostly used Internet services?
  8. What is the Wikipedia?

Use the right-click to call the context menu and see what you can do in this moment with your computer while the left-click means action. When you hover over an active link inside Firefox it turns into a hand - you can click then to follow the link. Not Every link is underlined any more. Sometimes words in a different colour are links.

How real is the Internet security problem?

Security News worm

IE security test

What are common problems browsing on the Internet?

Let's have a look how Firefox helps you to be safe on the Internet

Firefox has a lot of inbuilt security like pop-up blockers, Phishing protection, safe password storage to name a few. We will have a closer look into this important aspect of Firefox. One can safely say that Firefox is one of the most secure browsers presently available. Security is the main concern designing Firefox.

What do malicious people want from you as an Internet user?

  • they break into your operating system to add your computer to their BOT-net or scan your computer for sensitive personal data like logins, passwords and credit card numbers

    How do they get into your computer?

  • one way is your browser if security holes are not patched

  • or through an un-patched operating system

  • or they use the user's innocence or lack of information and computing skills

Six monkeys in one boat sail to Sumatra or how do I choose a strong password?

One password to rule them all ...
The truth about passwords - most people have one single all-purpose password for all logins! Is that good?
How many of you use one password for all?

Where do you store your passwords? How Firefox manages your passwords for the Internet

The Firefox password manager is seamlessly integrated into your surfing experience. Intranet
Sample login user: test
Show the saved password.

How Firefox manages your passwords for the Internet

Go to to the Auroville Intranet:

Log in with user name dosai and password idly .

Watch out if Firefox ask you something! Choose to remember the password.

In Linux: Open the passwords preferences in Firefox: EDIT/PREFERENCES/SECURITY

In Windows: Open the passwords preferences in Firefox: TOOLS/OPTIONS/SECURITY

Check out your saved password.

Why are passwords like auroville, mother, surrender, truth, light weak?

Why are passwords like AuR0ville55, 6mi1bstS strong?

How can you memorize a password like this one: 6mi1bstS ?

What is the difference between encrypted and unencrypted (http and https) web sites? What difference does that make regarding passwords?

PaSsWoRds arE cAsE seNsiTive.

Take care of the Caps Lock!

Some web sites use login restrictions: 3 times in 10 minutes or login is disabled for one hour after 5 failed logins. FS (question)

Don't use language specific letters like ä ñ . Why?

What is the a master password in Firefox?

In Linux in Firefox go to Edit/Preferences/Security and set a master password. For this class we will use class123.

In Windows in Firefox go to Tools/Options/Security and set a master password. For this class we will use class123.

The restart Firefox and go to . Log in with user name dosai . What happens?

Try to look at your saved passwords now!

How do you delete the login dosai and the password?

What is an Instant Web Site ID?

Want to be extra sure about a site's legitimacy before you make a purchase? Click on a site favicon for an instant identity overview. Another click digs deeper: how many times have you visited? Are your passwords saved? Check up on suspicious sites, avoid Web forgeries and make sure a site is what it claims to be.


Open Firefox.
Enter this address and load the page.
Check the favicons with a left click. What information do you get?

Then enter this address:
Check the favicons with a left click. What information do you get?

Do you see any difference?

Does the ICICI use an encrypted website?

Is free stuff on the Internet bad or dangerous?

Free stuff which is genuinely free. There are lots of people in this world who are honest and share...

  • the whole Open Source movement
  • universities and other educational organisations from all over the world
  • commercial enterprises whose business concepts include "free" stuff
  • people ! lot's of people like artists, researchers, Aurovilians, programmers, writers, - you name them!

Free stuff with small print

  • commercial enterprises whose business concepts include stuff with small print
  • people or companies who give you their stuff free but the free stuff is restricted by time (only valid for 1 month) or not full featured (if you want the full version contact us)
  • in the west be careful that you don't sign up for something using the "free" stuff

Free stuff that appears to be free but is malicious

  • companies whose business concept is based on ripping off people
  • individuals who find it amusing/satisfying to damage your computer or your bank account

Use your common sense when on-line. Imagine you are in the heart of a big city (maybe even in a foreign country) and somebody approaches you to offers you something for free or a good deal or asks for help. What do you do? You evaluate the situation and then decide what to do...
The same you do on the Internet!

Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

You might want to take the time and go once more through the lesson to recall what you learned.

  1. How do you recognize a secure website?
  2. What is Caps Lock?
  3. What is a favicon?
  4. What is the master password in the Firefox context?
  5. Have a look at this passwords: greenbelt Dosai1968 auroville SurRenDer Yu6Gfs7 Tuñ88T undercover
    • Which ones are strong?
    • Is there one you shouldn't use? If so, why?
  6. Why is it not a good idea to use one password for all your logins?
  7. What are common security problems browsing the Internet?
  8. Find here some tips and tricks around security on the Internet.
    • Don't use weak passwords - use strong ones!
    • Don't use one password to rule them all!
    • Free, free, free - "click here"
    • Discriminate free stuff on the Internet
    • Close the Firefox window open when you leave the computer in an office or public place
    • Be careful with fraudulent web sites (this is part of the intermediate class)
    • If you visit the dark side of the moon - illegal downloads: pirated software, videos, music and ebooks - don't expect fairness or good character from the people involved on the other side of the Internet.
    • Visiting the Internet "red light district" almost certainly will infect your computer with viruses and AIDS!
  9. Are you safe using Firefox to access the Internet? Yes/No - please explain your answer.