Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

Please note down any questions you may have for the following homework and bring these to the next class.

What version of Firefox do you use?

Install the Merriam-Webster search engine into your integrated web-search bar.

What is the difference between a plug-in from a trusted and untrusted site?

How do you uninstall an integrated search engine?

What is this pop-up window about?

Have a look at the TOP 100 integrated search engines in the Mycroft Project. Try to install some of them into your Firefox integrated web-search.

Install the Firefox DownloadHelper add-on and try to download a YouTube video. Try the right click ...

Install an add-on called CustomizeGoogle . In Firefox go to Tools/add-ons/CustomizeGoogle/Preferences . On the left you see all kind of Google related web content. Click on each and have a look what options you have on the right side. If you see somewhere remove adds tick it.
Then restart Firefox and google around. You don't see any ads any more!

Live bookmarks and RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication)

The Hindu

Open Google and search for The Hindu and try to subscribe to one of the feeds.

Install an add-on called Brief in Firefox.

Go to Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks and make a folder called News and RSS

Then go to following websites and subscribe to the RSS feeds: and Auroville Wiki When asked where to save them point to the folder News and RSS


Social bookmark sharing


Why do I have to sign up? Shall I give my email address? Shall I use my real name?

Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

While doing the homework note down any questions you may have and bring these to the next class.

Go to Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks and make a folder called News and RSS

Install the Brief add-on in your Firefox. In the preferences (Tools/add-on) point Brief to the folder News and RSS

Go to BBC and check out their RSS feeders. Subscribe to 2 or 3 of them. Save them in the folder News and RSS and watch them for a week. Delete them afterwards if you don't want to keep them. Where do you configure how many news items you get and how long they will be kept by Firefox? Open news links in a new tab (middle click?)(warning)

Go to the Firefox add-ons and subscribe to the RSS feed. Read a few of this news.

Name 3 other sites that offer RSS feeds.

Go to Jamendo and look for the link called tags at the left side at the bottom and have a look at the tags cloud. Choose something of your interest and download a few songs. What is special about this website? Is the music free? If so, why is that?

What is a tags cloud? What is the function of bigger and smaller words (fonts)?

Go to the Wiki search engine. This is a new generation search engine. Try it for a bit. Explore it! What is the difference between this and Google, Yahoo or others?

Go to .What is this website about? Try to download, and enjoy. Remember the right click!

Go to online conversion. Do you manage to convert? Go to the fun links on this site...

Go to the AuroWiki. Have a look around! If you sign up you can edit and add content. Did you notice Firefox built-in spell-check (only when you edit and add)?

Go to the AuroWiki and look up what these abbreviations mean: ACCESS, HOMA, LEAP, WELL

Go to the AuroWiki and have a look under the Working Groups. Why are some links in red colour?

Follow the instructions of this link

Extra homework: This homework is optional as you need to sign up at StumbleUpon (I introduced you to it in the class). First download the Firefox StumbleUpon add-on. Then sign up. Take some time to get familiar with the interface. Don't give up if you run into some difficulties but stay calm. Then define your interests and start surfing. Don't forget that you need to eat, rest and shower from time to time.

If you want to synchronise your Firefox bookmarks over several computers install the Foxmarks add-on. You have to sign up for this but it is a clean and free service.

Install the Read It Later plug-in. What can you do with it?