Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

You can copy and paste the questions into an email and answer them. In case you don't know the answer you could try to paste the question into or the wiki

Install Firefox on your computer

How do I set my 'home page'? (Tip: look under the Tools-menu in Windows or under Edit in Linux)

Why will the Internet be important in the near future?

What is a URL?

What is the default browser?

How do you save an interesting link? Check the Bookmarks menu in Firefox ...

Get familiar with Booksmarks Toolbar (The personal address bar), Location bar, Integrated Web Search and the Status bar

See this 2 links below. Hoover with your mouse pointer (the arrow you move by moving your mouse) over the link (don't click) and see what information you get in the status bar (in the left bottom corner of Firefox)

Save your Soul

Read the blue box above about the Mozilla Foundation.

Read at least once the glossary below.

Use the right-click to call the context menu and see what you can do in this moment with your computer while the left-click means action. When you hover over an active link inside Firefox it turns into a hand - you can click then to follow the link. Not Every link is underlined any more. Sometimes words in a different colour are links.

How real is the Internet security problem?

Security News worm

IE security test

What are common problems browsing on the Internet?

Let's have a look how Firefox helps you to be safe on the Internet

Firefox has a lot of inbuilt security like pop-up blockers, Phishing protection, safe password storage to name a few. We will have a closer look into this important aspect of Firefox. One can safely say that Firefox is one of the most secure browsers presently available. Security is the main concern designing Firefox.

What is a pop-up?

Pop-Up Blocker

Pop-Up windows are widely used on the Internet to display optional information and only pops up when needed. However, advertisement uses them to impose the ad on you. Banish those pop-ups (and pop-under windows) from your surfing experience once and for all. Or create an "allow" list of sites whose pop-ups you're okay with seeing. Not all pop-ups are bad...

(Disable the pop-up blocker)

This is an example for a misuse of pop-ups

Go to Firefox (Linux/Ubuntu) Edit/Preferences/Content and disable the pop-up blocker. Then press Close or

Go to Firefox (Windows) Tools/Options/Content and disable the pop-up blocker. Then press Close.


Try the different pop-up tests in the Common popup techniques section and see what happens. Go back to the Firefox configuration panel and enable the pop-up blocker and repeat the test. What do you notice?

Try the different pop-up tests in the Not all pop-ups are bad... section and see what happens.

Tip: some pages are nasty ....

Six monkeys in one boat sail to Sumatra

One password to rule them all ...
The truth about passwords - most people have one single all-purpose password for all logins! Is that good?
How many of you use one password for all?

The Firefox password manager is seamlessly integrated into your surfing experience. Intranet

Why are passwords like auroville, mother, surrender, truth, light weak?

Why are passwords like AuR0ville55, 6mi1bstS strong?

How can you memorize a password like this one: 6mi1bstS ?

What is the difference between encrypted and unencrypted (http and https) web sites? What difference does that make regarding passwords?

How Firefox manages your passwords for the Internet

Sample login user: test
Show the saved password.

Go to a web site where you log in i.e. Intranet, Google or Yahoo mail etc.

Log in with a fake user name and save a password.

In Linux: Open the passwords preferences in Firefox: EDIT/PREFERENCES/SECURITY

In Windows: Open the passwords preferences in Firefox: TOOLS/OPTIONS/SECURITY

Check out your saved passwords.

What is the a master password?

PaSsWoRds arE cAsE seNsiTive.

Take care of the Caps Lock!

Some web sites use login restrictions: 3 times in 10 minutes or login is disabled for one hour after 5 failed logins. FS (question)

Don't use language specific letters like ä ñ . Why?


What is a cookie?

Are they stored on my computer? How long?

What happens if cookies are disabled?

HTTP cookies, or more commonly referred to as Web cookies, tracking cookies or just cookies are used for authenticating, session tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts.

Click on the favicon on any web page and click on the More Information button. Check out the cookies for this web site. Is it useful for you?

For more information go to the Wikipedia. Search for HTTP cookies

Try to avoid doing the homework in the last minute but rather do them in time and email them to Please do not use the address.
This gives us time to look into what you did and give you some feedback. It is a requirement to do the homework to be able to follow the classes.
You find all lessons and homework here

How do you recognize a secure website?

What is Caps Lock?

What is the master password in the Firefox context?

Sort the passwords in weak and strong ones: greenbelt Dosai1968 auroville SurRenDer Yu6Gfs7 Tuñ88T undercover

How dangerous are your favourite http-cookies? If you have sample cookies bring them to the next class? (The Blue Light team prefers chocolate cookies (smile) )

You might want to take the time and go once more through the lesson to recall what you learned.

Name 3 different types of useful pop-up windows?

If you find the following part much too difficult - relax. The aim of this test is not to pass with good results but to see for you how much you know now and how secure you feel being confronted with this and how much you know at the end of the next class and how you feel then. Have fun: Go to and follow the instructions to do the Phishing test. How many of the 10 examples could you identify correctly?