Table of Contents



Config Editor

The Config Editor is accessed via Preferences→Preferences→Advanced→General→Config Editor.

Default web browser

Thunderbird defaults to using the desktop's default web browser.  To override this setting, use the config editor (below) to ensure and https exist with the path to the desired browser program.  For example, for firefox ((warning) this did not work on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise):, string, /usr/bin/firefox, string, /usr/bin/firefox

Gmail client

There's a Mozilla KB page on configuring Thunderbird as a Gmail client, listed in the Reference section below.

IMAP settings

Server Settings ->  Advanced -> Show Only Subscribed Folders

In Config Editor (above):

Show Only Subscribed Folders

Account Settings→Server Settings→Advanced→Show Only Subscribed Folders


Depending on the setting of "Show Only Subscribed Folders", folders on the server that Thunderbird is not subscribed to are invisible or shown greyed out.

To subscribe to folders, right click any folder and choose Subscribe.  Expand the list until the folders you want to subscribe are visible, toggle (\?) the checkbox and click Subscribe.