Tested on a TS-412


We decided to replace the default firmware of the QNAP by Debian for the following reasons:

From QNAP firmware to Debian Stable

Followed the tutorial from the following website: http://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ts-41x/install/

Backup the firmware

Plug a USB disk formatted as FAT32 (NTFS won't work) and to the following

fdisk -l /dev/sd? 
mount | grep external
mount <device path> /share/external/<device name>
cd /share/external/<device name>
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do cat /dev/mtdblock$i > mtd$i; done 
umount /share/external/<device name>

Backup the data

The drives present in the NAS will be formatted so backup all the data present on it to an external drive by copying from the interface.

In our case a daily backup was scheduled on an internal disk which we removed prior the install.


Download the installer

You will need to get few files in order to install Debian

cd /tmp
busybox wget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/network-console/qnap/ts-41x/initrd.gz
busybox wget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/network-console/qnap/ts-41x/kernel
busybox wget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/network-console/qnap/ts-41x/flash-debian
busybox wget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/network-console/qnap/ts-41x/model

Then flash the installer

sh flash-debian

It will then ask you to reboot the device


Install Debian

Accessing the device

One suggestion, unplug every drive before rebooting the device as the NAS will format/check them.

It is unnecessary as we are going to format them with the debian installer.


The NAS will reboot. Note that the lower LAN port will be used in order for you to ssh into the device.

It will use your default network configuration and IP. If any information is missing it will use DHCP.

If you are not sure of the IP start the NAS without the LAN cable and plug it once it has booted  (the green light stops blinking and it beeped briefly) it will use the fallback IP (


Now ssh into the NAS:

ssh installer@
password: install 


From there everything is as for a normal Debian install... (smile)



The NAS takes too long to boot

If after flashing the reboot takes a long time (the green light keeps blinking) you have two solutions: