
This page summarises configuring iSCSI on Debian 6 and 7.  Thanks to HowtoForge's excellent "Using iSCSI On Debian Squeeze (Initiator And Target)" from which most of the information was learned.


iSCSI allows a server to provide a virtual block device over a network to a client.  The virtual block device can then be treated like a real block device – for example it can be partitioned and file systems created in the partitions.

In iSCSI terminology the server is a "target" and the client is an "initiator".  On this page they are called server/target and client/initiator.



You will need:

Setting up the server/target


aptitude -y install iscsitarget iscsitarget-dkms


Optionally backup the configuration files that will be changed: /etc/default/iscsitarget and /etc/iet/ietd.conf.

sed -i 's/ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=false/ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=true/' /etc/default/iscsitarget

The next step sets up to serve a single LVM volume, /dev/vg0/lv0.  Values that need to be changed are red.  The user and password values are need when configuring the client/initiator.  Values that are arbitrary strings (so could be changed) are in blue.


oIFS=$IFS; array=($(hostname --long)); IFS=$oIFS
for ((i=${#array[*]};i>0;i--)); do backwards_fqdn+=.${array[i-1]}; done

( echo "Target iqn.$(date +%Y-%m)$backwards_fqdn:storage.lun0"
    echo "    IncomingUser $user $password"
    echo "    OutgoingUser"
    echo "    Lun 0 Path=$local_device,Type=fileio"
    echo "    Alias LUN0"
) > /etc/iet/ietd.conf

It can be useful to know the Target value just created when configuring the client/initiator.  It can be displayed with

head -1 /etc/iet/ietd.conf

Further devices can be added by editing /etc/iet/ietd.conf, replicating and modifying the first stanza.

Setting up the client/initiator


aptitude -y install open-iscsi


Optionally backup the configuration file that will be changed: /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf.

sed -i 's/node.startup = manual/node.startup = automatic/' /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf

In the next step, the iSCSI daemon is used to generate an initial configuration.  Values that need to be changed are red.  Starting the daemon will generate error messages because there's no configuration yet.

/etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart
iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p $target_ip

This should create a sub-directory of /etc/iscsi/nodes/ with the same name as the Target created when configuring the server/target.

Within that sub-directory there should be a further sub-directory with name beginning with the server/target's IP address.

Note: if the server/target has two IP address (accessible by the client/initiator?) there will be two such sub-sub-directories.  It may be possible to configure a client/initiator to work this way but initial explorations did not identify how to do so.  In this case, delete the sub-sub-directory for the IP address you do not want to use.

In the next step, the user name and password are added to the configuration.

Change to the new /etc/iscsi/nodes/<target>/<IP address ...> directory.  In the commands below, the sed command should be on a single line.

-i "s/^node.session.auth.authmethod = None$/node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP\nnode.session.auth.username = $user\nnode.session.auth.password = $password/" default


/etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart

The output should include:

Login to [iface: default, target: <target>, portal: <ip address>,<port>]: successful

and a new /dev/sd[a-z]+ device file should have appeared.

Further configuration

The new /dev/sd[a-z]+ block device can be configured as desired.

If it is configured with file system(s) to be mounted at boot there are special considerations for /etc/fstab:

If fscking is required ... TODO 

Issue investigation

How to identify which /dev/sd[a-z]+ are iSCSI devices

The easiest way is to list /dev/disk/by-path/:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/ | grep 'ip-.*iqn\.'

If lshw is installed, more information is available by

lshw -class disk -class storage

hdparm doesn't work on iSCSI devices.  When smartctl was tried there was a server/target kernel abort task for iSCSI target.

Error messages

iscsiadm: initiator reported error (19 - encountered non-retryable iSCSI login failure)

As the messages suggest, an authentication failure.  Check user name and password consistency between server/target and client/initiator.