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The options can usefully include noatime for better performance (we do not know of any software we run that uses the atime).

/etc/fstab can be prettified using this script (copied from

# usage: fstabalign [FILE]
# This script will output fstab or other file as column aligned.
# It will not alter blank lines or #hash comments.
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    FILE=$(cat /etc/fstab)
    FILE=$(cat "$1")
# Separate the file contents into aligned and unaligned parts.
OUT_ALIGNED=$(echo "$FILE" | sed 's/^\s*#.*//' | nl -ba | column -t)
OUT_UNALIGNED=$(echo "$FILE" | sed 's/^\s*[^#].*//' $src | nl -ba)
# Remerge aligned and unaligned parts.
while read; do
    read -u 3; line_unaligned="$REPLY"
    line_aligned=$( echo "$line_aligned" | sed 's/\s*[0-9]*\s*//')
    line_unaligned=$(echo "$line_unaligned" | sed 's/\s*[0-9]*\s*//')
    echo "$line_aligned$line_unaligned"
done < <(echo "$OUT_ALIGNED") 3< <(echo "$OUT_UNALIGNED")

When run with no arguments, it processes /etc/fstab and writes the aligned version to stdout, from where it can be copied and pasted.

The result, after some manual tidying, is for example:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system>                    <mount point> <type> <options>             <dump>  <pass>
/dev/mapper/pitanga--system-home           /home  ext4  noatime                    0  2
/dev/mapper/pitanga--system-root           /      ext4  errors=remount-ro,noatime  0  1
/dev/mapper/pitanga--system-swap           none   swap  sw                         0  0
/dev/mapper/pitanga--system-var            /var   ext4  noatime                    0  2
UUID=ef9a6540-774f-449f-8be4-35592905002d  /boot  ext3  defaults                   0  2
proc                                       /proc  proc  nodev,noexec,nosuid        0  0

TODO: enhance the script so less manual tidying is required


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