On 15/8/2016 (happy birthday!), we are trying to put the FS standabye servers in production as a test.


Get the mysql databases of the Linux server from the replica ({{backup3.bluelightav.org}} (around 5 minutes):

root@backup3.bluelightav:~# mysqldump --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf.d/mysqld2.cnf --all-databases | gzip > /tmp/fs.2016.09.15.sql.gzip
-- Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly.


Get that file on a FAT USB drive (adapt, around 5 minutes with Aurinoco's link at around 4MB/s):

phil@phil-mbp:~$ scp root@backup3.bluelightav.org:/tmp/fs.2016.09.15.sql.gzip /Volumes/MULTISYSTEM/tmp