Standard Blue Light sshd configuration


(warning) Warning: if doing this remotely, when implementing configuration changes, keep the existing ssh session open and test by starting a new one.

(warning) If a keyword value is set twice, the first value may be effective!  Experiment showed that was true for PermitRootLogin and UsePrivilegeSeparation but not for UsePAM.  For simplicity we decided not to set any keywords twice (outside Match sections).

There are sshd_config files in the Blue Light git in the conf/ssh directory.

The parameters we change:

/etc/ssh/sshd_config generation

ssh package installation generates /etc/ssh/sshd_config (a change from the original package installation which copied the file) so the as-installed file may not be identical on all systems.

Editing policy

As far as practicable, for easy identification, Blue light changes are made outside the package-generated file's text block and the original text block is surrounded by:

# ==== THE ORIGINAL /etc/ssh/sshd_config, edited, STARTS HERE ====
# ==== THE ORIGINAL /etc/ssh/sshd_config, edited, ENDS HERE ====

Within that original block, the only changes should be to comment out keywords.  To aid identification they can be commented out with a #@ prefix.

After the original block ...

# Blue Light changes to as-installed settings (should be commented out above)
PermitRootLogin without-password     # Comment out if using the Match Address stanzas below
UsePAM no
UsePrivilegeSeparation no            # Required in an lxc container

# Blue Light additions to change as-installed settings not specified above (defaults)
AllowUsers root
PasswordAuthentication no

# Blue Light additions to improve performance
UseDNS no
GSSAPIAuthentication no

Match Address stanzas

We are still evolving how we use these.  TODO: does the order matter (does sshd stop processing these stanzas after the first match?)?  TODO: do these PermitRootLogin values override any global setting?

Some samples:

# Allow root login from the BLUE OpenVPN addresses
Match Address
    PermitRootLogin without-password

# Allow root login from the BL OpenVPN server
Match Address
    PermitRootLogin without-password

# Allow root login from blav2
Match Address
    PermitRootLogin without-password
Match Address
    PermitRootLogin without-password


root@localhost:~# diff /etc/default/ssh{.org,}

Warning: if doing this remotely, keep the existing ssh session open and test by starting a new one.

Enable the new configuration by service ssh restart



Security can be tightened by specifying the command that an authorised key can run by inserting command=<command> before the key itself.  Details in the sshd man page, in the command="command" section.

Sometimes this is not convenient because several commands are to be run.  A solution is to specify a script in authorized_keys and for the script to validate the commands.  For example:

# Purpose: validates the command a remote host is attempting to execute by ss

df_regex='^df '
rsync_server_regex='^rsync --server '
stat_regex='^stat --format=%F '

if [[ $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND =~ $df_regex \
    || $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND =~ $rsync_server_regex \
    || $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND =~ $stat_regex \
]]; then
    echo "${0##*/}: command did not pass validation ($SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND)" >&2
    exit 1

TODO: enhance the script to read the regexes from a config file.