Current and Future Offerings

Wiki workshop - Saturday 17 May


Blue Light offers a Wiki workshop on Saturday 17th May from 15.00 to 16.30. You can find our office in SaraCon (past Ganesh Bakery, to the right).

The workshop will begin with a short introduction to the recently launched Auroville Wiki (Aurowiki). Several 'techies' will be on hand to answer your questions during an hour-long hands-on session in which you can experiment with creating new pages, editing existing ones, adding attachements, etc.. We have 6 places so please reserve your seat either by phone 2622500 or by email at We will send you a confirmation email once your seat is reserved. When you reserve in advance, we can guarantee you a seat.

If you want to be on our mailing list, please send us an email to

We'll see you soon.

Blue Light Team

Participants: 01 Marlenka, 02 Isha, 03 Taj, 04 Pala, 05 Paulette, 06 David

Past Offerings


We had a three hour introduction to the basics of networking, getting to know some of the underlying tools to configure and troubleshoot. Course material


Please enter here a list of possible workshops. Write your name behind the workshop if you are interested in giving it.


Perl Scripting Introduction

This class would discuss using Perl from the standpoint of a systems administrator - how it can help automate common tasks.

It would cover:
* what Perl is - and how it differs from shell scripting
* How to write simple Perl scripts to do common tasks
  - creating directories and modifying permissions
  - running arbitrary shell commands
  - creating *secure* temporary files
  - monitoring processes and memory usage
* How to run Perl from the command line


Shell Scripting Introduction

This class would discuss the use of the shell in more detail than we covered in the Linux class.

It would cover:
* use of history commands, e.g. !! and !$
* use of loops: for i in *.txt ; do ...
* putting lists of commands into scripts to make your own simple programs
* using variables


Using the Subversion version control system

SVN is a system for storing the changes made to files (and directories) in a project. Binary files (like images and movies) can be versioned, but the greatest benefit happens for text based files (including HTML web pages, and the XML based OpenOffice files).

There are different user applications for interacting with an SVN repository, both command line and graphical, for Linux and Windows.

This would cover:
* how to add a project to the BlueLight SVN repository (import)
* how to checkout the files from a repository (checkout)
* how to add local changes back to the repository (checkin)
* how to view changes (status and diff)


Apache Web Server Setup and Administration

Linux makes it *incredibly* easy to have your own webserver. Having a webserver makes many things possible on your linux machine:
* web-based administration interfaces, e.g. phpMyAdmin for MySQL administration
* plug-in servers: mod_svn for Subversion, mod_caldav for calendars
* sharing files easily between local computers

This will show:
* how to install and configure Apache for Ubuntu
* how to change the common configuration options, e.g. ports, server name, document roots
* how to install new apache modules
* how to configure which modules are loaded
* how to configure the options for modules
* how to setup virtual servers, e.g.,,


Explaining Services in Linux

When a linux machine starts up, it initiates a number of services - otherwise known as 'daemons' in the hacker circles. Services are generally started at boot time and stopped at shutdown, but they can be reloaded or restarted to change configurations while the computer is running.

This will cover:
* what is a service
* where does it live
* how to start/stop/restart a service
* how to re-configure a service
* how to create your own services - so that things are started at stopped automatically
