
Xen is Blue Light's standard virtualisation solution, decided in BLUE-1192

Introduction to Xen:

Installation (host/dom0)

TODO: is xen-docs useful (probably not; installed hoping for an xl man page)?

aptitude install xen-docs-4.1 xen-linux-system

Adjust grub so the default boot item is Xen (ref:

dpkg-divert --divert /etc/grub.d/08_linux_xen --rename /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen
shutdown -r now

Test: does the  xen list  command show that the current system is Domain-0?


The recommended way to provide storage for a DomU is by an LVM on Dom0 which the DomU uses as a virtual HDD.



Choice (TODO: can be mixed?):

Interface names:


Dom0's eth0 gets the bridge's address, broadcast, netmask and  gateway settings (assuming the bridge config includes bridge_ports eth0).

Diagram from

      LAN0                                                  LAN1
       |                                                     |
 |     |                                                     |     |
 | +---+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+---+ |
 | |   |                         | |                         |   | |
 | | eth0                        | |                        eth1 | |
 | |                             | |                             | |
 | | xenbr0       vif1.0  vif2.0 | |  vif1.1  vif2.1      xenbr1 | |
 | |                |       \    | |    /       |                | |
 | +---^------------+---------\--+ +--/---------+------------^---+ |
 |     |            |           \   /           |            |     |
 |     |     +------+-------------X-------------+------+     |     |
 |     |     |      |           /   \           |      |     |     |
 |     |     | +----+---------/--+ +--\---------+----+ |     |     |
 |     |     | |    |       /    | |    \       |    | |     |     |
 |     |     | |  eth0    eth1   | |   eth0   eth1   | |     |     |
 |     |     | |    |       |    | |    |       |    | |     |     |
 |   +-+-+   | |  +-+-+   +-+-+  | |  +-+-+   +-+-+  | |   +-+-+   |
 |   |   |   | |  |   |   |   |  | |  |   |   |   |  | |   |   |   |
 |  www ssh  | | www ssh ftp pop | | www ssh ftp pop | |  ftp pop  |
 |           | |                 | |                 | |           |
 |  Domain0  | |     Domain1     | |     Domain2     | |  Domain0  |
 +-----------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------+

Useful commands:

Rough note to edit in somewhere ...

When configuring a bridge ...

Bridge references


Note: routing may be used with NATted.

When routing is used, need:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.proxy_arp = 1

To make these settings permanent, ensure they are present in /etc/sysctl.conf


Note: NATted may be used with routing.

When NAT is used, need:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

A cunning plan?

Maybe we can do what we want (as on blav; some VMs with public IPs, most with NATted non-routable IPs) without a bridge; configure the physical interface with all the public IPs and use IPTABLES to forward traffic sent to notionally the VM's public IPs to the VM's non-routable IPs.  For each VM adressable by public IP:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d PUBLICIP -j DNAT --to-destination INTERNALIP

For NATting:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

References (networking)

Toolstacks (a.k.a toolkits and toolboxes)

A toolstack is a set of user-space tools used for adminstering Xen.

Several toolstacks are available for the interactive or scripted administration of Xen resources.

Primary reference:

Apparently, once a toolstack has been chosen, it is not easy to change.  From Debian 7 Wheezy's /etc/default/xen (where the chosen toolstack is configured):

# Attention: You need to reboot after changing this!

libvirt and virsh

libvirt is a library for managing KVM, OpenVZ, VMware, VirtualBox, Xen and others.  For Xen, it is the least feature-complete of all the toolstacks.

virsh is a user/script shell to interface with libvirt.  References:

xapi and xe

The most feature-complete of all the toolstacks.

xend and xm

Deprecated since Xen 4.1 but the default in Xen 4.1 as packaged for Debian.  Will be removed from Xen 4.2.

xend comprises:


Strategic since Xen 4.1.

Designed to be command line compatible with xend.  TODO: what does this mean?  man -k xend lists the config file format xend-config.sxp.  It may mean command line compatible with xm; many of the xl commands take similar arguments to xm.

Unlike xm, xl does not do dom0 network configuration; standard OS tools must be used.

For help (not --help or -h):  xl help

In case there is no local xl man page: and (Xen 4.2)

Toolstack library

Libxenlight (libxl)

The strategic Xen toolstack library, designed to hide xenstore, libxenctrl, and libxenguest from higher levels.

Toolstack configuration

Debian 7 Wheezy

The Xen toolstack on Debian 7 Wheezy is configurable.

On blav2, we had explicitly configured using xl:

root@SON-OF-blav.bluelightav:~# diff /etc/default/xen{.org,}
--- > TOOLSTACK=xl

When root runs command xl:

  1. The shell runs /usr/sbin/xl which is a symlink to /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack-wrapper
  2. /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack-wrapper:
    1. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack to set TOOLSTACK to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xl
    2. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-dir to set dir to /usr/lib/xen-4.1
    3. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-version to set VERSION to 4.1
      1. /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-version gets Xen version info from /sys/hypervisor/version/*
    4. Sets PATH to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin
    5. Sources /etc/default/xen to set TOOLSTACK to xl (would fall back to hardcoded default otherwise)
    6. Sets TOOLSTACK to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xl
    7. execs /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xl

When root runs command xm (does not work):

  1. The shell runs /usr/sbin/xm which is a symlink to /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack-wrapper
  2. /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack-wrapper:
    1. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack to set TOOLSTACK to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xl
    2. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-dir to set dir to /usr/lib/xen-4.1
    3. Sources /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-version to set VERSION to 4.1
      1. /usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-version gets Xen version info from /sys/hypervisor/version/*
    4. Sets PATH to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin
    5. Sources /etc/default/xen to set TOOLSTACK to xl (would fall back to hardcoded default otherwise)
    6. Sets TOOLSTACK to /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/xl
    7. Generates message "ERROR: A different toolstack (xl) have been selected!"

DomU configuration

Each DomU (the VM itself, not its OS etc.) is configured by a file in /etc/xen.

Maintaining Debian in DomUs

This is listed before "Creating Debian DomUs" because a newly created Debian should be updated during installation.

Installing apt-cacher on Dom0 will save bandwidth and speed maintenance (and require significant time cleaning broken cache files).

Installing Debian in DomUs


Installs into a chroot.  Can use only one repository (which may be a local cache).


Debian installer

"Debian installer" is the standard Debian installation system; it supports installation of standard Debian as a Xen PV.

If we use either of the Debian installer methods, pre-seeding would be advantageous both for creating installations that differ only as intended and – more importantly – to accelerate re-installation during disaster recovery.  This might be very useful for all Debian and ubuntu installations, not just DomUs.


Actually FAI ( and BLUE-1325) is the way to go but it will take too long to familiarise with it.

Even pre-seeding is non-trivial so decided not to delay the first installation by using it.



.iso image

Installing from a .iso image is the method we are most familiar with so a good choice, at least for the first DomUs.

24 July 2014

Decided to install from a .iso rather than any of the other choices because:

  • We are already familiar with it
  • Having no integration into the Xen architecture, we will learn more about Xen during the domU process.

xen-create-image (from xen-tools)

xen-create-image is part of the xen-tools package.

When creating Debian systems it uses debbootsrap (described above).

Monitoring and controlling DomUs



TODO: integrate the next para.

A quick note, there are actually 3 modes, not two when it comes to the drivers in use:

For a Xen guest/DomU you can do a very basic uname and lsmod with a grep to list the modules in use:

uname -a lsmod | grep xen 

If uname -a lists a kernel with the string "xen" in it, then you have a modified kernel and it's likely a PV guest, and you will see output from the lsmod command to confirm it. If you have output from the grep on lsmod but no sign of a modified kernel then you are PV-HVM. Without any sign of either, it's a straight HVM.

Note: Generally you can do more with VMs that have the PV tools installed, so that can be quite an obvious pointer, however you can fake the presence of the PV tools to allow suspend/resume etc. so you cannot rely on that in general.

TODO: integrate the next text

So basically bootloader (grub/pygrub or xen pv bootloader) sets up the kernel and initrd in memory, and boots the kernel. Kernel then extracts the initrd from the memory, and executes the script in the initrd. The script then loads the necessary drivers for *that* particular server hardware or a virtual machine to access the actual root disk, and then the script mounts the root disk so the actual Linux distribution can be started from the real root disk. So the initrd image you use must be suitable for the Xen domU and load the required kernel modules (possibly xenblk) and set up the xen xvd-disks!




Files and directories

File or directoryUsageNotes



TODO; move Xen notes from the server page to here.


Very little information found on the 'net about Xen architecture.  This diagram is from

TODO: mine for more information.

Primary reference (no Xen 4.x equivalent found):

Debian packages


Includes /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/


Includes /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/


Includes /boot/xen-4.1-amd64.gz


Documentation only.  TODO: presumably its dependencies are crucial; list them?


Documentation only.  TODO: presumably its dependencies are crucial; list them?


Documentation only.  TODO: presumably its dependencies are crucial; list them?


Tools that work with the xm and xl toolstacks to administer Xen config files and images.

Provides (in /usr/bin):

Plus, presumably in suppport:

xen-create-image largely automates creating domUs.  Config file: /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf.  The --lvm option creates a new logical volume which is available to the domU as a hard disk drive

Logs in the /var/log/xen-tools/ directory.



Tools to control the hypervisor from dom0.

Provides (in /usr/lib/xen-4.1/bin/):

Plus, presumably in suppport:




Provides (all in /usr/sbin):


General references are listed here.  Specific references are listed in the sections they apply to above.


Entry points

These are entry points to references.

Setup logs