Current projects at Blue Light

Things to know before you consider volunteering in Auroville and Blue Light

To get to know you better, please take the time and reflect a bit on the questions below. This will help you to get clearer what you want and help us to see whether your involvement is in the right place in Blue Light. We might find that your skills fit or if not, try to see where else your involvement can be helpful in Auroville.

Please send us a photo of you when applying for volunteering. You find our photo here.

Some practical considerations

What is your intended time frame for staying in Auroville? How many months? Which time of the year?
Granted you like Blue Light do you envision to work the full time with us?
Can you support yourself financially during your stay in Auroville? We recommend for volunteers between 8000 and 10 000 INR (Indian Rupees) which equivalents to 120 - 150 Euros or 190 - 230 US$ per month (Exchange rate 68 Rs per Euro or 43 Rs per US$). This amount can vary depending on your life style. You will need this money for accommodation, transport, food etc.

Are you the person we are looking for?

We are looking for computer savvy people - geeks, geeks-in-the-making, open source enthusiasts or other computer literate beings. Blue Light provides you with an office environment and if you don't come with your laptop with a computer. We have quite a mixed bunch of people around so that we learn from each other. Depending on the project a 3 to 6 months commitment is expected. We are also looking for programmers to create software that helps Auroville.

Part of the job is to get into contact with Aurovilians. This is a great way to dive deeper into Auroville, how it works, how daily life looks like ...
We are using as much Open Source software as possible. This means researching Open Source projects, installing software on test computers, getting in contact with the developers or the community if needed and finally introduce it into working environments (offices) and train users.
We require proper documentation of what you do here since you are not staying with us forever (... who knows (wink)).

Our Projects

If you have Linux server administration skills ...

Well, almost all is welcome here. If you know how to secure a server or automate task via scripting, virtualisation, MySQL/PostgresSQL database ......

If you know how to program ... in PHP, Python, Java or Tamil

We would like to use a couple of web-based software in our community. For further details please contact us.


If you know how to teach or train or have skills to develop training materials

If you like teaching (in English) to adults or teenagers check in with us. Whether you teach Libreoffice (text formatting or spreadsheets) or proper emailing or offer to introduce the community in fields like online social networking, Internet in general and security and privacy in particular - all this and much more is interesting for us.

If you have skills in the following software and could configure, optimise or train people on them

Do you know Drupal CMS? Auronet is our internal community platform and Drupal based.

Do you know LDAP?  We are in the process to introduce common address books via LDAP server and also have developed a LDAP based synchronisation tool.

Maybe you know a bit about Amanda backup software? Blue Light is using Amanda in a number of offices to do the daily backups. We are always curious to learn more about this software.

Or are you an OpenOffice or LibreOffice expert? We are in the process to introduce LibreOffice in our community and offices. If you have skills you could share them either in solving problems or in training on et one or in a small class. In Auroville almost all communication is in English.

We are also using GNU-Cash for accounting.

We are using Jira and Confluence for our internal functioning and are open to get some real insider tips and tricks.

If you have some experience in open source POS (Point of Sales) software like

If your skills are not mentioned here or not worth to mention at all(tongue), please contact us and check in. We might still have a place for you..