1. Assignment: Install a debian ssh server on a VirtualBox and access to it

config apt-cacher port 3128

sed -i 's#http://#' /etc/apt/sources.list 

install emacs

sudo aptitude install emacs

install config openssh server and make it work

eval `ssh-agent`
exec ssh-agent bash (if ssh-add is not working)

add sam_sshkey.pub to .ssh/authorized_keys

add to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

AllowUsers xxx

changed in the same file:

PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no

If ssh doesn't work check the grp and own of .ssh/authorized_keys

install bash completion

aptitude install bash-completion

add the following to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi

3. Assignment: Install Amanda & use it


create the directory structure for the folders to keep the backup

mkdir /mnt/backup
#mount $DISK /mnt/backup/
mkdir /mnt/backup/vtapes /mnt/backup/holding /mnt/backup/holding/sam
chown backup.disk -R /mnt/backup/* 

create the config in /etc/amanda

mkdir /etc/amanda/sam-daily
touch /etc/amanda/sam-daily/amanda.conf
touch /etc/amanda/sam-daily/disklist
chown -R backup.backup /etc/amanda/sam-daily


org "sam"
mailto "root"
dumpcycle 7
runspercycle 5
tapecycle 30
dumpuser "backup"
tpchanger "chg-disk:/mnt/backup/vtapes/sam" # a virtual tape changer
#tapedev "/dev/nst0a" # the tapechanger
#tapedev "file:/mnt/backup/vtapes/offering"
changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/sam/changerfile"
labelstr "SAM.*"
label_new_tapes "SAM-%%"
logdir "/var/lib/amanda/sam"
infofile "/var/lib/amanda/sam/curinfo"
indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/sam/index"
tapelist "/var/lib/amanda/sam/tapelist"
runtapes 5
#usetimestamps YES
dtimeout 3600 #seconds per client per dump
holdingdisk hd1 {
 directory "/mnt/backup/holding/sam"
define dumptype comp-tar {
 program "GNUTAR"
 index yes
# record no # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
 auth "bsdtcp"
define dumptype user-tar-span {
 tape_splitsize 445 MB
 auth "bsd"
 #holdingdisk no
 #split_diskbuffer "/mnt/holding/diskbuffer"
 #fallback_splitsize 100M
 comment "tape-spanning user partitions dumped with tar"
 #exclude list "/etc/amanda/sam-daily/exclude-list"
define dumptype user-tar-span-home {
 comment "exluding all the unwanted things from /home"
# exclude list "/etc/amanda/sam-daily/exclude-list"
define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
 filemark 4 KB
 length 4482 MB
echo debian-server-test-sam.bluelight.av backup amdump >> /var/backups/.amandahosts


debian-server-test-sam.bluelight.av /etc user-tar-span
debian-server-test-sam.bluelight.av /var user-tar-span
debian-server-test-sam.bluelight.av /root user-tar-span
#debian-server-test-sam.bluelight.av /home/./all /home/ {
#exclude append "./media_no_backup"

as the backup user create all the virtual tapes and label them

su backup -c "mkdir /mnt/backup/vtapes/sam"
for i in `seq 30`; do su backup -c "mkdir /mnt/backup/vtapes/sam/slot$i"; done
cd /mnt/backup/vtapes/sam && ln -s slot1 data

create the tapelist

su backup -c "mkdir /var/lib/amanda/sam"
su backup -c "touch /var/lib/amanda/sam/tapelist"

label the tapes

for i in `seq 30`; do su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amlabel sam-daily SAM-$i slot $i"; done

/root/scripts/amanda-backup (after creating the folder)

#mount ${DISK} /mnt/backup
su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amdump sam-daily"
#sleep 5
#umount /mnt/backup
exit 0
chmod +x /root/scripts/amanda-backup 

If the backup is restored from an external drive:

Problems encountered

...amanda.conf ...Line 54: end of line expected

SOLUTION: Press 'ENTER' at the end of the file and save.


4. Assignment: Weekly backup for server cupcake

First phase: Test on VirtualBox

Clone the amanda disk already created.

Do it by exporting Appliance and then import it preferably with new name.

PROBLEM: the virtual disks use the same lan card and the same MAC address.

SOLUTION: change the MAC address in VirtualBox and change it in the OS:

emacs /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net-rules

keep the interface with the new MAC address and make sure it is named eth0. Restart the OS.

Create to virtual drive and mount then on the server

Create 1 drive in virtual box and create 2 partitions:

fidsk -l
cfdisk /dev/sdb

format the partitions and mount them:

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2
mkdir /media/backup-data
mkdir /media/backup-data2
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/backup-data
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 /media/backup-data2

Create a daily backup of the second virtual OS

Second phase: Configure CUPCAKE 

Explanation of runscycle and other in amanda.conf

 dumpcycleruns per cycleruntapestapecycletapetype   
 The amount of days you will have a full backup (ex: every 4 weeks = 28)How many backup runs per dumpcycle (ex: every week = 4)How many tapes to use per run (ex: Biggest disklist + a bit / tapetype size = 12)How many tapes are available. The number decrease at every run. Runtapes * runs per cycle + a bit(ex: 50)defines the size of a tape (ex: DVD size: 4,5G)   
2      DLE_110G
3      DLE_245G
4      DLE_31G
7 run12     
14 run12     
21 run12     

Creating the script adapted to the present situation of the server (12/2011)

## this is to automate the amanda setup
## variables used.
FREQ=-weekly # frequence of the backup
MOUNTPOINT1=/media/backup-data # mountpoint for holding
MOUNTPOINT2=/media/backup-data2 # mountpoint for backup
TAPE=`echo ${SERVICE}${FREQ} | tr [a-z] [A-Z]`
## create the directory structure for the folders to keep the backup
mkdir ${MOUNTPOINT1}/amanda ${MOUNTPOINT1}/amanda/holding ${MOUNTPOINT1}/amanda/holding/${SERVICE}${FREQ}
chown backup.disk -R ${MOUNTPOINT2}/amanda/*
chown backup.disk -R ${MOUNTPOINT1}/amanda/*
## create the config in /etc/amanda
mkdir /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}
touch /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/amanda.conf
touch /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/disklist
chown -R backup.backup /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}
## The config files
cat << EOF > /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/amanda.conf
org "Bluelight"
mailto "bluelight@auroville.org.in"
dumpcycle 28
runspercycle 4
runtapes 15
tapecycle 60
dumpuser "backup"
tpchanger "chg-disk" # a virtual tape changer
tapedev "file:/media/backup-data2/amanda/vtapes/bluelight-weekly"
changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/bluelight-weekly/changerfile"
labelstr "BLUELIGHT-WEEKLY-.*"
#label_new_tapes "BLUELIGHT-WEEKLY-%%"
logdir "/var/lib/amanda/bluelight-weekly"
infofile "/var/lib/amanda/bluelight-weekly/curinfo"
indexdir "/var/lib/amanda/bluelight-weekly/index"
tapelist "/var/lib/amanda/bluelight-weekly/tapelist"
holdingdisk hd1 {
 directory "/media/backup-data/amanda/holding/bluelight-weekly"
define dumptype comp-tar {
 program "GNUTAR"
 compress fast
 index yes
# record no # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
define dumptype user-tar-span {
 tape_splitsize 445 MB
 holdingdisk no
 split_diskbuffer "/media/backup-data/amanda/holding/diskbuffer"
 fallback_splitsize 100M
 comment "tape-spanning user partitions dumped with tar"
 compress none
define dumptype user-tar-span-home {
 comment "exluding all the unwanted things from /home"
 exclude list "/etc/exclude-list"
 compress none
define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
 filemark 4 KB
 length 4482 MB

## create the disklist
cat <<EOF > /etc/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/disklist
rose.bluelight.av /etc user-tar-span
rose.bluelight.av /root user-tar-span
rose.bluelight.av /var user-tar-span
# /home/aufilduweb/data/Entreprises/Auroville/ user-tar-span
# /var/www/./programming /var/www {
# user-tar-span
## auth "bsdtcp"
# include "./meeting"
# include "./act"
# include "./mm_visitor_access"
#} 2
#this section is for everything in /home
rose.bluelight.av /home/./bharathy /home/ {
 include "./bharathy"
} 1
rose.bluelight.av /home/./juergen /home/ {
 include "./juergen"
} 1
rose.bluelight.av /home/./resources /home/ {
 include "./resources"
} 1
rose.bluelight.av /home/./rest /home/ {
 exclude append "./bharathy"
 exclude append "./juergen"
 exclude append "./resources"
 exclude append "./backup"
 exclude append "./backup_services"
 exclude append "./rdiff-backup"
 exclude append "./classes"
 exclude append "./joy"
 exclude append "./sincerity"
 exclude append "./surrender"
 exclude append "./music"
} 1

## as the backup user create all the virtual tapes and label them
su backup -c "mkdir ${MOUNTPOINT2}/amanda/vtapes/${SERVICE}${FREQ}"
for i in `seq 30`; do su backup -c "mkdir ${MOUNTPOINT2}/amanda/vtapes/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/slot$i"; done
cd ${MOUNTPOINT2}/amanda/vtapes/${SERVICE}${FREQ} && ln -s slot1 data

## create the tapelist
su backup -c "mkdir /var/lib/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}"
su backup -c "touch /var/lib/amanda/${SERVICE}${FREQ}/tapelist"

## label the tapes
for i in `seq 30`; do su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amlabel ${SERVICE}${FREQ} ${TAPE}-$i slot $i"; done
[ -d /root/scripts ] || mkdir /root/scripts

## create the starting script
cat <<EOF > /root/scripts/amanda-${SERVICE}${FREQ}-backup
su backup -c "/usr/sbin/amdump ${SERVICE}${FREQ}"
sleep 20
# if the machine should stay on after the backup create a file in / called no
# ie touch /no
if [ -f /no ]
 rm -f /no
 exit 0
exit 0
chmod +x /root/scripts/amanda-${SERVICE}${FREQ}-backup
exit 0

Create a crontab entry

 # m h dom mon dow command
17 12 * * 1-4 /root/scripts/backup-bluelight
17 12 * * 5 /root/scripts/backup-bluelight-weekly

changed the runscycle of the daily backup to 4 in amanda.conf



amrecover bluelight-weekly
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.2p1. Contacting server on localhost ...
[request failed: timeout waiting for ACK]


amrecover bluelight-weekly -s cupcake.bluelight.av -t cupcake.bluelight.av

5. Assignment: Make a weekly -Offsite backup of the TownHall


Install rdiff on the server and the working station.


apt-get install rdiff-backup


and create a backup folder in the server (ex: /backup/servername/)

Login using ssh key

As root on the working station create the key, do not enter any paraphrase.

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy the public key to the server

scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@

Write the public into the .ssh/authorized_keys of the user (in his home folder) you want to login to

cat id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

change in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin without-password

If ssh doesn't work check the grp and own of .ssh/authorized_keys or check the name of the file...

Create a backup list


- /

Create an ssh alias to access the server


Host backup-server
 User root
 Identityfile /root/.ssh/id_rsa_backup_raspberry
 Protocol 2

test the backup with:

rdiff-backup --force --include-globbing-filelist /root/rdiff-backups/backup-list-server / backup-server::/backup/raspberry/

Secure the ssh authentication

In /root/.ssh/authorized_keys add the following before 'ssh-rsa....'

command="rdiff-backup --server",from="raspberry.bluelight.av",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty 

so the file's line looks like:

command="rdiff-backup --server",from="raspberry.bluelight.av",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAA[......]3UV/ root@raspberry

Command line to remove old backup

rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 2W backup-server::/backup/raspberry/