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h1. Me

Hi\! I'm often pretty busy, but check in sometime and maybe things will look different\!


Here's some interesting text: {span:style=font-size:large}Don't you like this effect?{span} I hope you like the effect.

Here's {span:class=times}another intersting effect!{span} I hope it works...

My google calendar.

Here is some serious text.

Can't you tell this is serious stuff???

Here is some fun text.

Can't you tell this isn't serious at all!!!
{div}h1. Things I like to do

I like a lot of things, here are some I'm excited about sharing...

h2. Vedic Chanting

Thanks to Gopika and Nadaka, I've been able to touch the more *scientific* side of vedic chanting. I've searched around for some information on the net, and here are some colated pieces.

The wikipedia page for [Vedic Chanting|] is a good place to start. Some other key pieces are the [pronunciation of Sanskrit|], the understanding of the [vedic meter|], and the [vedic accent|].