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  • Users and groups

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This is for users and groups that are defined by /etc/passwd and /etc/group et al as opposed to LDAP-based users.

Group creation


For non-system groups:

addgroup <group name>

(info) Each user's primary group must exist before the user is created unless --user-group is specified on the useradd command.

List users in a group

gentent group <group name>

Blue Light user bl

Blue Light's standard Linux system includes user bl.


For a full Linux user, this example is as used at Saitri Savitri Bhavan on "archiver":

useradd --comment 'Vadivel' --create-home --groups archiver,sb-users --user-group vadivel


In case the user has a dedicated group with the same name:

delgroup $u


TODO: TBCLinux groups and users by OpenLDAP

Problem solving

User can't log on

Check ownerships of their home directory and contents, including hidden files.

Check the "shell" configured in /etc/passwd.

TODO: check if they have been locked out by special string(s) in /etc/passwd or shadow (needs research)